2 crédits
Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
- Semester 9
- Duration : Within one semester
- Type: Mandatory
Student workload: Lecture (CM): 12 hours
Applicability: SOLEM and ESBC
Teaching and learning method : seminar, case studies, discussion
After completing this course, students should be able to:Understand what is Energy Law;
- Gain insight into the Just Transition and the push to renewable energy development in light of climate change;
- Explain what Solar Energy is and outline the technologies that are used to harness the power of solar energy
- Discuss the positives and setbacks of solar energy
- Understand the legal incentives, finance and risk aspects associated with solar energy
- Learn about the supply, new technology and waste management associated with solar energy
Heures d'enseignement
- Legal regim for production and use for solar electricity - CMCours Magistral18h
Plan du cours
Session 1
• Introductions/ Course overview: Professor Raphael J. Heffron & Alicia Phillips
• Introduction to Energy Law & the Just Energy Transition (Part 1) Professor Raphael J. Heffron
Session 2
• Introduction to Energy Law & the Just Energy Transition (Part II) Professor Raphael J Heffron
Session 3
• Quick History review- Climate Change=Global problems= Switch to RE- Solar Energy: Why Solar energy?
•What is solar Energy (Production, Use, Types)
Session 4
• Introduction Quiz- based on sessions 1-3 (online via google forms- 30MCQs- 35mins) – 30%
• Activity: Class discussion- Case study- The Energy Transition in France: Solar Energy in focus
• What is the position in the EU generally & France (France & Renewable Energy Developments: With a focus on Solar Energy)
Session 5
• Solar Energy: Legal Incentives, Finance & Risk- Professor Raphael J. Heffron
Session 6
• Future Issues in Solar Energy-Supply, New Technology & Waste Management
• Collective Presentations: Class divided into groups dependent on size- Students will have an hour to prep and then do 8 min presentation on a future issue discussed prior and show how it applies to France -30%
Session 7
• Review Session (Professor Raphael J. Heffron & Alicia Phillips)
Session 8
• Exam: In person [ Negotiation Skills Assessment] 40%
-EU Renewable Energy Directive (Revised-September 2023):
-European Green Deal (2020):
-REPowerEU Plan (2022):
-Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone (SNBC):
-Energy Transition for Green Growth Act (2015):
- Renewable Energy Acceleration Bill – 2023 (Projet de loi relatif à l'accélération de la production d'énergies renouvelables) :
These will be outlined in the Worksheets