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Urban planning and architectural integration (URBA951_S3E )

  • ECTS

    1 crédits

  • Composante

    Polytech Annecy-Chambéry


  • Semester 9
  • Duration :  Within one semester  
  • Type: Mandatory
  • Student workload:  Lecture (CM): 9 hours? Lab (TP): 6 hours, 9 hours of self-study 

  • Applicability: ESBC course only 

  • Teaching and learning method : seminar, case studies, discussion 

  • Module examination:  1 written exam (30%), 1 individual project (20%), Lab (50%) 

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Major intended learning outcomes 

Upon completion of the module students will:

  •     Understand the urban microclimate and the urban heat island phenomenon 
  •     Understand the operation of microclimate simulation models 
  •     Best practices for Urban Heat Island (UHI) mitigation 
  •     Operating conditions of photovoltaic systems (PVs) within the urban environment and the impact of temperature on PV efficiency 
  •     Surface uses within the urban environment and advanced solutions (cool materials, etc.) 
  •     Learn to use GIS software for urban analysis 
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Urban planning and architectural integration - CMCours Magistral10h
  • Urban planning and architectural integration - TDTravaux Dirigés
  • Urban planning and architectural integration - TPTravaux Pratiques3h

Pré-requis obligatoires

Admission to 2nd semester

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Plan du cours

Content of the module:

1. General Introduction 

    1. Definition and origins of modern Urban Planning 
    2. Urbanization and Climate Change 
    3. Sustainable Urban Planning and Digitalisation of the Built Environment 

2. The Urban Environment 

    1. Urban Microclimate 
    2. Urban Heat Island phenomenon 
    3. Urban Climate Modelling 
    4. Best Practices for UHI mitigation 

3. Solar Radiation & Urban Environment 

    1. Solar PV power generation in cities 
    2. PV Performances in the Urban Environment 
    3. PV Performances during heatwaves 
    4. Impact of PV systems on Urban Microclimate 
    5. Best Practices for PV installations in the Urban Environment 

4. Surface uses in the Urban Environment 

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  • https://doi.org/10.1177/1420326X20939310 
  • 10.1109/WCPEC.2006.279690 
  • DOI:10.1016/j.csite.2018.100374 
  • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2020.07.057 
  • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.111919 
  • Photovoltaic Array Performance Model · D. L. King, W. Boyson, J. A. Kratochvill (2004) 
  • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2011.06.012 

Websites, blogs: 

  • https://www.climateinteractive.org/c-roads/ 
  • https://yceo.users.earthengine.app/view/uhimap 
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