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Intercultural strategie (BUSI701_MZECY)

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    IAE Savoie Mont Blanc


The objective of this module is to hone knowledge and know-how about cultural dynamics and how they can influence collaboration.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • TDTravaux Dirigés15h

Pré-requis obligatoires

Sufficient skills in English to follow the course

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Plan du cours

• Definition of culture, models of culture,
• Cultural differences, cultural dimensions
• Leveraging cultural and language autobiography
• Critical incident method and case studies

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Compétences visées

Collaborating in teams and organizations with knowledge- and experience-based sensitivity to cultural dynamics

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Barmeyer, C., Bausch, M., & Mayrhofer, U. (2021). Constructive Intercultural Management: Integrating Cultural Differences Successfully. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Hall, E. (1976): Beyond Culture. Anchor Books. ISBN: 978-0385124744
Hampden-Turner, C.; Trompenaars, F. (1997): Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. 2nd edition. Nicholas Brealey Publishing. ISBN: 978-0786311255
Hofstede, G. (2010): Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. 3rd edition. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 978-0071664189
Iribarne, Philippe (d’). La logique de l’honneur. Gestion des entreprises et traditions nationales, Paris, Seuil, 1989.
Meyer, E. (2014). The culture map: breaking through the invisible boundaries of global business. First edition. New York, PublicAffairs.
Piekkari, R., & Welch, C. (2011). Rethinking the case study in international business and management research. Edward Elgar.

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