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Strategic innovation management (MASI01_IIBM)

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    IUT d'Annecy


This module aims to enable students to understand the main issues of the management of innovation and to appreciate the relevant skills needed to manage innovation at both strategic and operational levels.

The management of innovation is one of the most important and challenging aspect of modern organization. Innovation is a fundamental driver of competitiveness and it plays a large part in improving quality of life. Given this, it is essential that students understand the strategies, tools and techniques for managing innovation, which often requires a different set of management knowledge and skills from those employed in everyday business administration.

The course is structured around three main topics:

1) What is innovation and what are the searching strategies for innovation ?

2) How can the firm organize internally to develop new products and services and best capture value from these innovation ?

3) With whom should the firm cooperate to maximize innovation ?

Patents : Looking up legal information and using it properly.

Another key aim is to give students an introduction to product design throughout a team project. Students will implement Product development design process to redesign and create a small object or product, answering to a specific customer need.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • TDTravaux Dirigés20h

Plan du cours

Part 1 – Understanding Innovation

  • What is innovation and why does it matter?
  • Sources of innovation


Part 2 – Managing Innovation

2.1.  Innovative Organizations & Business Models

2.2.  Developing new products and services


Part 3 – Collaborating for Innovation

3.1.  Open innovation and collaborative innovation

3.2.  Innovation ecosystems and innovation communities


In each session, there will be an in-class, case-based exercise. Every student is expected to participate: it will be graded as a participation note. Some presentations of articles or case studies could be asked too.


   Part 4 – Patents

(4 hours)

Patent or not patent? What? How? Alternatives?

National or European patents?

European patent: cost – filing – watching

Enforce European patents against infringers: Where? How?

  • Case studies


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Compétences visées

On completion of the module, the students are expected to be able to:

L01: Understand the definitions and concepts of innovation, invention and research and development

L02: Explore main models of innovation

L03: Identify opportunities and possibilities for competitive advantage through innovation

L04: Utilize tools of innovation management to map and measure innovative activities

L05: Understand how to capture value from innovation

L06: Understand how to nurture innovative capacity in the firm and how to build a creative organization

L07: Assess the benefits of collaboration for innovation

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