4 crédits
IUT d'Annecy
The goal of this module is to :
- enable students to know how to conduct a project with the relevant processes, tools and techniques.
- Apply project management techniques and intercultural skills in the context of a serious game on international branding with students from different partner universities.
Heures d'enseignement
- TDTravaux Dirigés52h
Plan du cours
- Market research classes, then the market study phase in the students’ respective countries.
- Bringing together of the results and working on them during a week where the students will be physically in the same location : presentation to the key stakeholders at the end of the week.
- Virtual conference : Final dissertation and oral presentation of the results obtained.
Compétences visées
On completion of the module, the student is expected to be able to :
L01 : Develop the relevant project management plan
L02 : Identify the project manager’s responsibilities (communication, skills, …)
L03 : Manage stakeholders
L04 : Develop the project schedule
L05 : Create the cost management plan
L06 : Create the risk register
L07 : Be able to work in a multi-cultural team
L08 : Structure a project at a distance
L09 : Create an international branding plan