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Master data management and data government essential (MDMA01_IIBM)

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    IUT d'Annecy


This module aims to enable the student to :

  • identify and describe the challenges European companies are facing in a globalized economy.
  • understand the key concepts and methodologies for risk management
  • be able to define a risk matrix for an industrial project or a company
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Heures d'enseignement

  • Financial risk management - TDTravaux Dirigés16h

Plan du cours

  • Introduction, key concepts and main methodologies for risk assessment (4hours)
  • By selecting 4 use cases (industrial projects or companies), students by group will perform the full risk management process guided through specific lessons:
    • Defining risk universe (2 hours) – Presentation of Group A
    • Defining the assessment methodology (2 hours)- Presentation of Group B
    • Performing the assessment (2 hours) - Presentation of Group C
    • Visualization and risk matrix presentation (2 hours) - Presentation of Group D
  • Final use case risk matrix presentation by Group (6 hours)
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Compétences visées

On completion of the module, the student is expected to be able to:

L01 : Better assess the risks and opportunities of European companies in the globalized market

L02 : Understand how new challenges are shaping current and future industrial policies

L03 : Understand how and why companies are adapting their strategies to preserve and create market power

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