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Design & promote international packages (GEST701_ITMCY)

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    IAE Savoie Mont Blanc



●      Comprendre qui sont les acteurs impliqués dans la création et la commercialisation de forfaits touristiques et comment ils interagissent.


●      Être capable de comprendre la cible d'un marché et de répondre à ses attentes.


●      Concevoir un forfait touristique de A à Z


●      Comprendre comment commercialiser les forfaits touristiques

  • Utiliser quelques outils pour concevoir et promouvoir des forfaits touristiques : une grille budgétaire, un plan de vol, etc...


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Heures d'enseignement

  • CMCours Magistral9h
  • TDTravaux Dirigés9h

Pré-requis obligatoires

●      Comprendre l’anglais

  •  Avoir connaissance des différents acteurs du secteur touristique



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Plan du cours


a)       Definition of a tourist package

What is a tourist package? What are the components of a tourist package? What are the different types of tourist packages? What are the different targets of tourist packages?

b)      Advantages and Disadvantages of tourist packages

For professionals? For tourists?

c)       Stakeholder mapping

Who are the different stakeholders who create tourist packages and sell tourist packages?

d)      Creating attractive tourist packages

What are the components that make a tourist package attractive? What do you need to take in consideration while creating a tourist package?

e)      Meeting the demand

What criteria to consider to meet customer expectations? (Habits, customs, entry policies, safety etc…)



a)       Designing steps

What are the steps involved in putting together a tourism package?

b)      Tools

Which tools are used to put together a tourism package?



a)       Selling a tourist package

What are the different channels to sell a tourism package?

b)      Promoting a tourist package

What are the different channels to promote a tourism package?

c)       Costing and Profit

How do stakeholders make money on a tourism package?

d)      Logistics

What happen after the sale of a tourist package?

e)      Tourist satisfaction

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Compétences visées


  1. To define a tourist package
  2. To target the market
  3. To design a tourist package
  4. To use tools to design tourist packages : budget grid, flight plan etc…
  5. To promote and sell tourist packages
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Tourism Product Packaging, government of northwest territories.


Liao, C.-S., & Chuang, H.-K. (2020). Tourist preferences for package tour attributes in tourism destination design and development. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 26(2), 230-246. https://doi.org/10.1177/1356766719880250


Chang, J.C.. (2007). Travel motivations of package tour travelers. Tourism. 55. 157-176.


Pai, Sagun & Ananthakumar, Usha. (2017). Understanding tourist preferences for travel packages: a conjoint analysis approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 22. 1238-1249.


Djordjevic, Aleksandar & Hristov, Branislava. (2016). Creating package tours in tour operator business: Analysis of key benefits for tourists. Ekonomika preduzeca. 64. 249-262.


Lu, Hsueh-Chan & Fang, Shih-Hsin & Tseng, Vincent. (2016). Integrating tourist packages and tourist attractions for personalized trip planning based on travel constraints. GeoInformatica.


Goffi, Gianluca. (2022). Package Tourism.

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