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Management des risques dans la supply chain (GEST11_ALOCYA)

  • ECTS

    2 crédits

  • Composante

    IAE Savoie Mont Blanc


Risk identification, assessment, and the development of action plans to regulate these risks is a skill expected of buyers and supply managers.
The objective of this course is to give tools and sources of information that can be useful in managing risks in supply chains.
Use of real-life cases for application is part of the learning path.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • CMCours Magistral9h
  • TDTravaux Dirigés12h

Pré-requis obligatoires

Plan du cours

1. The importance of risk management in supply chains
2. Risk identification
3. Risk mitigation

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Informations complémentaires

Responsable du cours : Thierry Fausten

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Compétences visées

• Identify and assess risks in supply chain
• Find relevant information
• Develop risk mitigation plans

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• Christopher, Martin, Peck, Helen, 2004, Building the resilient supply chain, International Journal of Logistics Management, 15:2; pp 1-13.
• Global Logistics: new directions in supply chain management, 6th ed, Kogan Page, 2010, chapters 11 & 12.
• Ho, William et al, 2015, Supply chain risk management: a literature review, International Journal of Production research, 53:16, pp 5031-5069.
• Randall, S., 2020. The use of STEEPLED as a business analysis tool, CIPS.
• Tiommala, Rao, Schoenherr, Tobias, 2011, Assessing and managing risks using the Supply Chain Risk Management Process (SCRMP), Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16:6, pp 474-483
• Wilding, Richard, Humphries, Andrew, 2006, Understanding collaborative supply chain relationships through the application of the Williamson organizational failure framework, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 36:4, pp 309-329.

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