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Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (SUPP801_EMBS)

  • ECTS

    5 crédits

  • Composante

    IAE Savoie Mont Blanc


Upon completion of the module students will


  • be familiar with all fundamental concepts of purchasing and supply chain management in an international professional context (programme ILOs K1 and IP1)
  • be able to assess the strategic role of the purchasing function within a cross functional environment, be able to identify the purchasing success factors in a global world, and have acquired the knowledge of some state of the art business processes, tools and best practices (programme ILOs K1, K2, IP1, BW1)
  • have learnt how to take into consideration SCM and logistics aspects in international project activities, be able to implement SCM main concepts,

know the levers that impact supply chain performance (programme ILOs K1, K2, IP1, BW1)

  • have learnt to work in international groups and respect other opinions (programme ILOs S2, A1, IP2)
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Heures d'enseignement

  • CMCours Magistral50h

Plan du cours

Section SCM:

  1. Supply chain management rationale and impact on the firm's performance
  2. Demand forecasting
  3. Inventory control
  4. Distribution management
  5. Transportation and warehouse management
  6. Distribution network design
  7. International aspects of procurement, production and distribution


   Section PM:

  1. An example of career in Purchasing and SCM
  2. The importance of the function, roles and interactions with adjacent functions, evolution, Purchasing vs SCM
  3. Category Sourcing strategies and Supplier relationship management
  4. Cost management and target setting with a case study/ role play
  5. Balanced score cards, Purchasing and supplier performance management

Risk, uncertainty and resilience management in purchasing

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Compétences visées

Upon completion of the module students will


  • be familiar with all fundamental concepts of purchasing and supply chain management in an international professional context (programme ILOs K1 and IP1)
  • be able to assess the strategic role of the purchasing function within a cross functional environment, be able to identify the purchasing success factors in a global world, and have acquired the knowledge of some state of the art business processes, tools and best practices (programme ILOs K1, K2, IP1, BW1)
  • have learnt how to take into consideration SCM and logistics aspects in international project activities, be able to implement SCM main concepts,

know the levers that impact supply chain performance (programme ILOs K1, K2, IP1, BW1)

  • have learnt to work in international groups and respect other opinions (programme ILOs S2, A1, IP2)
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Text books:

Purchasing and supply chain management, 8th edition, Lysons & Farrington, Pearson, 2012

Purchasing and supply chain management, 5th ed., van Weele, Cengage, 2010

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