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Services marketing (GEST603_THECY)

  • Composante

    IAE Savoie Mont Blanc


•       Learn the fundamental about services marketing.

•       Understand and explain the nature and scope of services marketing.

•       Explore tools to conceptualize services.

•       Apply concepts to case studies

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Heures d'enseignement

  • CMCours Magistral9h
  • TDTravaux Dirigés10,5h

Pré-requis obligatoires

• Bases en marketing stratégique et opérationnel.

• Bases en résolution d’étude de cas.

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Plan du cours

Chapter 1: Introduction to services marketing

• Understand how services contribute to countries’ economies.
• Explain the special nature and characteristics of services.
• Describe the differences between the marketing of goods and services.
• Understand the role of service encounter.
• Learn how to assess service quality.

Chapter 2: Developing services

• Demonstrate the importance of the process, physical environment and people in service delivery.
• Explore the product, distribution, pricing and communication strategies that are needed for developing a successful service model.

Chapter 3: Services co-creation

• Understand the importance of the customer participation in services.
• Illustrate the importance of customers in successful service delivery and co-creation of service experiences.
• Learn the different customer participation levels.
• Explain how the company can facilitate an effective customer participation.

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Compétences visées

• Savoir différencier un service d’un bien et appliquer en conséquence les outils les plus appropriés.
• Savoir analyser le fonctionnement d’un service et en proposer une critique objective.
• Comprendre les enjeux du marketing des services dans le secteur du tourisme, hôtellerie et évènementiel.

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• Principles of services marketing by Adrian Palmer.
• Services marketing: People, Technology, Strategy by Christopher Lovelock and Jochen Wirtz.

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