IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
Introduce students to the tourism industry
Understand the global environment in which the tourism industry evolves
Understand how tourism operates within a multiple stakeholders environment
Heures d'enseignement
- TDTravaux Dirigés10,5h
- CMCours Magistral9h
Pré-requis obligatoires
A good knowledge of international geopolitics and marketing.
Plan du cours
This tutorial aims to bring students to understand how different components of the tourism industry cooperate in the development of tourism products.
This process will involve the identification of a destination key resources, their strength and weaknesses, and the range of stakeholders that can potentially contribute to the construction of tourism products.
It will also invite students to comprehend how tourism products are designed to meet both current demand but also local needs in tourism development.
Compétences visées
• Be aware of the international as much as local tourism dynamics
• Be able to appreciate negative and positive tourism impacts
• Be able to comprehend how tourism destinations can design efficient products
• Integrate sustainability in products’ developement
Page S.J. (2019) Tourism Management, 6th edition, Routledge.
Fyall A., Legohérel P., Frochot I. & Wang Y. (2019) Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality: Collaboration, Technology and Experiences, Routledge.
Morrison A. (2022) Tourism Marketing In the Age of the Consumer, Rouledge.